Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Cameraless Photograph/ Digital Negative and Cyanotype Printing

3D  Cyanotype
This lesson involves students learning the old process of cyanotype printing. This is sometimes called sun printing: Cyanotypes photographs are made by placing an object or group of objects directly onto a sheet of Cyanotype paper.The objects and sensitized paper are exposed to light.These are then  rinsed with water to reveal the print.
The result is an image formed by light & objects. The objects block light from the paper, creating white shapes. Areas not blocked - exposed to light completely - are blue/cyane.

Make 3 cyanotypes using translucent objects you bring to class ( negatives, cloth, paper, plastic, cotton balls, drawings, printed matter, poems,negatives, flowers, etc.). One of the cyanotypes will be created using a digitally printed negative that is created using Adobe Photoshop .
Photogram #1: Use 3-d object (toys, flowers, your own hand or face, crystals, clear rocks, kitchen tools, slinky, bunched-up cloth, etc.).

Photogram #2: Combine 2-D image (digitally printed negative that uses Adobe Photoshop to create the negative , this will be 8 x 10 inches and printed onto transparency film.The negative is sandwiched in  glass and exposed. The process reverses this image producing a photograph in the sun.).) with 3-D objects. 

Photogram#3 Open, but I would like to see you try to simulate cyanotype print by utilizing the Hue and Saturation menu in Photoshop
  • 1-8x10 (exactly!) cyanotype to be used as front cover of your journal 
  • 1-8 x 10 (exactly!) cyanotype to be used as back cover of your journal 

Compositional Criteria:
  • (5 points ) objects used in class express an idea that you developed or relate to each other to form a theme . Theme examples : Halloween /or/ witches /or/ school in general; Fall ; Music; Skateboarding; Nature; Toys; Photography; your own childhood; your neighborhood; etc. 

2D Materials combined with 3D Objects 

The student will understand that:
• A quality work of art starts with the interpretation of the : composition, concept and craftsmanship.
• Developing an awareness of the elements and principles of art can greatly improve and affect their work.
• There is a long and rich history of photographic media.
• The photographic process relies on the manipulation of light to create an image whether utilizing traditional techniques or modern digital techniques.
• Most traditional darkroom photographic techniques can be replicated through the use of Adobe Photoshop software

• Written: Self-reflective written artist statement about the process of creating a cyanotype print.
• Authentic Assessment: Presentation and discussion of individual finished cyanotype prints.

Open Cyanotype : Digital produced negative.
The student will learn to:
• Research the history of the cyanotype print.
• Utilize knowledge of the technical aspects of digital cameras, inkjet printers and Adobe Photoshop software.
• Create a digital negative image to use as the basis for a cyanotype print.
• Critique their own and their classmates’ cyanotype prints.
• Use of a digital camera and Adobe Photoshop software
• Use inkjet printer 
• OHP Transparency Film

• Cyanotype print paper 
List connection/support of other possible subject areas.
• Math: calculation of exposure times for cyanotype printing process
• English: analysis of photographic works.
• Technology: Use of digital camera, Adobe Photoshop software and inkjet printe

2D Combined with 3D Cyanotype