Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Photograph As Muse

Using the Photography of Mary Ellen Mark students were inspired by a fine art photograph to write a poem , using mood words and expressive details from the photograph to guide them . Students learned the meaning of a mood word and how to recognize the details in a fine art photograph that help express mood  and emotion . I build upon the ideas presented in this assignment as a introduction to "Expressing Feelings" how to convey the abstract in a photograph. 
"Expressing Feelings " Images and poems created by students will be posted soon . 
The Neverland in Our Dreams
Take us away
To somewhere like Neverland
Where we can be adults
As soon as we want to be.
Somewhere where people don’t underestimate us by our age, our looks, or our actions.
Somewhere we don’t need things like parents or teachers.
Somewhere we do not have to depend on our "stuff" to strengthen our lives.
The Neverland where we can be ourselves.
Can you take us there?
The gun is pointed at her head.
Somber, cold, and unfeeling.
She’s still there, somehow.
Her hand stays on the tree, inexplicably.
I wonder when it started going downhill, or if it was always like this.
How far away can she walk before she turns around?
The Shadow Knows
Life is pain
You go through tough times
You keep friends
And you lose friends
But the only person that stays with you is
Your Shadow is the only one who stays with you
Your shadow is the only one who knows you the best
It matches you everyday
And you can never run away from it

Going to Sleep

The night has come

And we lie here.

This world around us dearly decays.

bottles, and dirty scissors

holds us together.

We lie here.

Tired, sad, empty.

There may be hope but its fumes wane.

So we sleep and wash our pains away.

My eyes still linger open.

But I try to make them shut

Because I know there will be another day.

There will be another day.
How did we get here?

She cries every night
About the girl who lost her smile
How did this happen
Kept away by
Arms eternally crossed
Clouds of helplessness
Her mind
The girl’s empty eyes
Remind her of the old girl that she
Hasn’t seen in a while .

I walk down the street with my dog at my side, my faithful companion.
Happiness radiates from me
Across the busy street I glance seeing what drowns my fenced heart
Two girls not older than me, barefoot on the sidewalk
I yearn to walk over and help, but I look away.
I wait and wait and wait for them to move,
Not even looking at the boys in their arms
People walk around them, avoiding them, cringing from the boys’wails
And still they don’t move
Finally, as I turn away, they glance, and what I see floods my heart like the water down a empty road
Resentment, angry, sadness
So powerfully expressed that I step back
And still I walk away, protecting my sheltered heart.

May your last breath be cherished; filled with grace.
These words a wish that I do hope you take.
For when I look into your dying face,
I see the hardships endured in this sad place.
No matter the color of skin you are
I hope my dear wish does take you far
That you go and see Him
Sometimes when you look in the mirror, you see your reflection.
But I don’t need a mirror.
Ten Years Passed and I see myself again.
Collecting, dreaming, exploring.
Naïve to life, and full of joy; no stress!
Plenty of confidence .
No time machine or video and I am definitely not in a dream.
It’s just someone exactly like me.
 Ballet Class, and Soccer Games on Saturdays.
I wish she knew how easy she had it.
No Regrets.
I love my little sister.

Let me go inside now.
Inside where it’s warm. Where it’s light and I don’t have to wear this veil. Where there is no darkness looming above.
Let me go to a place that I can take my gloves off, uncross my arms, and feel safe.
I wonder when I’ll be able to go inside. When these wounds will heal, only leaving scars behind.
Scars that I’m proud of, scars that make me who I am, unlike sad eyes. Sad eyes that won’t go away and are surrounded by darkness, hidden by darkness.
Please, let me in. I need light.
She comes to a stop in the middle of the dirt road .
Her eyes look past mine, looking without seeing.
I’m just an obstacle for her
on her road to freedom
from grief, from death, from pain.
She knows I’m waiting for her to speak
to explain to me where she’s going.
I offer her my coat, though I know
She doesn’t want my help.

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